When It’s Between Anxiety and Your Heart, Always Fight for Your Heart

I was cleaning up the mess on the playroom floor when I heard, “can you lay with me?”

My middle daughter was watching a movie and wanted me to cuddle up next to her.

Feeling anxious? Choose your heart first.

I looked at the big mess of puzzle pieces, Magna-Tiles, dinosaurs, scattered across the floor, and then back at my daughter. My anxiety pulled me toward the mess, “clean it, and then you can relax. It's only going to accumulate”….

but my heart pulled me toward my daughter. Her eyes pulled me with that look of love and awe.

The mess will still be there.

But that moment where we both felt the heart of the other and the steady warmth.

That would pass.

So, I chose my heart.

And as I watched more mess pile up,
I’d make that decision again and again.

So, when it’s between anxiety and your heart, always fight for your heart.

You’ll never regret it.

Danielle Sherman-Lazar

Danielle Sherman-Lazar is a mental health advocate and mother to three daughters. She has been published on numerous websites including: InspireMore, Scary Mommy, Bluntmoms, The Mighty, ellenNation, Project Heal, Love What Matters, Cafemom.com, Beating Eating Disorders, Her View From Home, Motherly, Recovery Warriors, and Humorwriters.org.


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